Handmade khadi weavers in our country are still not so prosperous and their social condition is not so developed. Modernization of khadi can change their socioeconomic condition to a great extent. People like to keep up with the latest fashion trends.
So we have to bring changes in Khadi as well. Rural NGOs can help them change this situation by providing loans on easy terms. Those who are working with hand-woven khadi cannot properly maintain and operate their looms due to financial problems. Often they do not have the money to make necessary repair of their looms. Through modernization of khadi products weavers’ financial problems can be solved. Various organizations need to provide financial support to the weavers to make this change. Side by side, they need to develop their skills. The women involved in khadi through rural cottage industries need to be trained in this work. They do various works such as making thread with spinning wheel. So, when we think of modernizing khadi, we have to think about them at first. If the people involved in khadi can be trained and turned into skilled persons, they will gradually understand where their shortcomings are and what kind of change needs to be made. I also think that they need to educate their children and inform them about the importance of khadi and its place in Bangladeshi culture. This is a big step in khadi’s modernization. From childhood these children will understand khadi’s significance and after growing up they will take up this profession and feel proud to become a part of this great tradition. By doing this we will see more modernization in Khadi in future and when all this happens consistently, social development will gradually accelerate.